About Us


Sunday - 10AM Sunday School, 11AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6:30 PM Bible Study

About Calvary Baptist Church

Hello friend.  We have a saying at Calvary - "it's not about us".  And we mean it.  Our focus and goal is to make as much of God as we possible can - to lift up Christ in everything we do, and trust Him with the rest.  

You have a personal invitation to come one Sunday and just check us out.  You may think - "what should I expect?"  Great question!  You can expect to find a group of nice, loving and gracious people of all ages.  You can expect the casual over the formal.  You can expect music that is contemporary, lively, dynamic and God honoring.  You can expect to hear well prepared, powerful messages that will give you the tools you need to navigate your relationships, your work, your finances and your life.  But most of all - you can expect to be loved.